Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sorry its been a while, I know you feel neglected :(

Well, the novel of my life isn't looking so dark and gloomy anymore.
To make a long (1 year and a half long) story short, the antagonist whom i believed was the love of my life was banished off the face of the earth.
I nor longer try and speak with him because all he cares about is getting back with me which i don't want.

However, another boy came into my life.
/well he was always in it, but i never really got the guts to tell anyone, though people saw through me like a glass wall/
Let's call him, Prince Charming
When I am with him its like I'm in a surreal universe where everything is right.
It's weird because I've never felt this way before, i was always the one on the hunt, but now i feel as if I'm the prey; vulnerable and weak.
I can't function without the thought of him on my mind, however people are seeing me as; more happy energetic... because I've moved onto another chapter of my life...

another chapter in this novel, another chapter in which i have to make right. another chapter in which involves, you....