Monday, November 10, 2008

To Daryll, where ever you are...

I was always there for you,
through out the good times and the bad.
But oviously you were hiding something...

You up and left us.
your family
your friends
even your girlfriend
without any notice
you disappeard without a trace
and the only thing we had to go with was;
Goodbye, I joined the army.

Years has past,
still no word,
It was like i lost my best friend,
i told you everything
you definatly took a piece of my heart.
we tried and tried to re connect with you
but yet, nothing

yet something stuck me.
a friend of yours, i guess
he asked me if i knew you
my heart sank as i almost said no.
he told me that you showed him pictures
of friends and family you had back home.
i fought back the tears
when he told me you were fine
and how you missed us all
then i left with no other word

I tried to find him again,
but it was if that was the only thing
you wanted me to know
that you were fine and missed us
i wanted to know why you left
even though i knew he might not have the answers.

Daryll i dont know what im doing,
cuz i know you'll never read this
but i just needed to get it out there,

Daryll, wherever you are
please call me

miss na miss kita...