November 8 at 2:02pm
1 i didnt know and 2 im going through some shit and i just need to get it
all out and get her out of my headdont take this the wrong way but ill pay you
if you likeGirl
November 8 at 2:04pm
how long were you guys going out for ?Desperate
November 8 at 2:05pm
year and half so will youGirl
November 8 at 2:06pm
sleeping with me wont get her out of your head justin . i`m not trying to
be mean but i can`t let you do that . and i wont do that to you either
.first off i`m not some booty call whore and secondly my boyfriend and i have
been together for almost two years and i will not cheat on him . im sorry if
thats all you want from me than i guess it`s best you stop talking to me
November 8 at 2:07pm
60bucks and it will never happen againGirl
November 8 at 2:08pm
justin you can`t pay me to have sex with you .Desperate
November 8 at 2:09pm
im sorry i just need to get over her no matter at what the cost it bejust
asking for one time thing never happen or mentioned again
OMG seriously.
now this is going to far
you've asked how many girls?
I'm sorry, you've lost all my respect
I would have been your friend
when i saw that things between us have calmed down
but honestly?
you took this to the wrong level
how do you think this makes me feel?
word of advice.
girls are not whores
dont go asking them for sex straight up
give them the respect that you didnt give me
there not something that you can buy at a store.
November 8 at 12:54pm
question may be awkward for you
but wondeirng if you wanted to have sex just msg me saying your answer ok
p.s. this shows me that you will never change
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