Thursday, November 20, 2008

a timeline to where we are now...

First day, met at The Stars on Rise talent competition at the SuperEX. I had definitely fell in love with your voice, and that is why I asked you if you wanted to do a recording for a charitable CD that would sell to raise funds for cancer. We became instant friends, though when i tried to get a hold of you it was like you didn't exist.

Then a year or so later, on one random day on facebook (the utility that connects people), you were on my friends list, I guess it was because since you were on my msn contact list it automatically added you. We talked again about how singing was going for the both of us, we talked about chilling at Holy Trinity, since I was going to a volleyball game. You said you would show, but I didn't see you there. Funny thing was, later on that day, you said that you did go, guess it was such a big school, we just didn't bump into each other in the hallway.

I invited you to my house, you met my friend Chloe. You were going to pick up your ticket to the fashion show for Kids Help Phone. We sang, but then my mother came down and told us to be quiet. We talked for a bit, I showed you "What, What in the Butt". I looked at Chloe, and she could see it in my eyes, that I was definitely liking you, but you talked about another girl so I kept shut. You asked Sara, my "LOVE GURU". My mother was getting mad because it was getting so late. I'm so sorry she freaked you out. Shortly after, your dad was there to pick you up.

The day of the fashion show, I was really hoping that somehow, some way, you wouldn't show. It was going to be a lame show anyway. Yet to my surprise you didn't show. Yes I wanted to see you, but I didn't want you to waste your time at a lame, Gap fashion show that lasted 15 minutes with a 4 minute choreographed routine taken from the High School Musical. You don't even know how happy I was. Yes, It was that lame.

We tried talking on the phone on a daily basis, you were the friend I would turn to for relationship problems. You always knew the right thing to say when I was heartbroken. Deep down inside, however, I liked you. There was no question for it, I was always afraid to say something, because there was always another girl you would talk about. There was always that little voice in my head, why can't that be me.

I'm never going to forget that time that you called me right after I came back from the hospital. I wasn't expecting it. I was so ashamed! Missing the dance just because I fell up the stairs and had to be rushed to the hospital to get stitches. But as soon as I got home, the phone ringed, with the caller ID flashing your number. I answered told you what happened. You definitely made me feel better, with our random conversations that went from talking about Mono - Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer. Even though I had a HUGE headache, you made me feel better.
You told me about your show, Sara and I bought tickets. I was impressed by your stage presence and as from the beginning I fell in love with your voice. Near to the end, as the final number was coming, a jolt of shock came from behind! It was you, Sara and I were lucky you were so concentrated with the show that you didn't see how scared we got. After the show, we met up with you in the foyer and congratulated you on your great performance. That night, I definitely couldn't stop thinking you.

The night before the annual Peace Conference, I had a dream. I was there, chilling with my friends having a blast meeting new people as I do every year at Peace Conference. The next day I told Sara, she laughed at the thought of my dream, because it was literally a one in a million chance. We got there, set up our stations. Phil, Sara, Erica and I were in a group chatting away dancing to the jazzy tunes of Holy Trinity when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see you. I honestly was full of shock I couldn't even say anything all I did was turn around with a stunned expression and looked at Sara. You probably thought I was insane and you said hi to Sara, I finally snapped out of it and gave you a hug. It was so weird seeing you, but I enjoyed hanging out with you, because I haven't seen you in a while.

After that day we didn't talk for months.

We messaged each other again, to plan another hang-out day. We met up at Bayshore, chilled for a bit, ate some yummy cinnabons, then met up with Sara. That day, we found some enormous shoes, fashionable hats at Le Chateau, and a amazing dress for Sara.

Remember when I came into the Gap that day with Sasha? I actually wasn't looking for anything. I just wanted to pop in to see if you were working. She was the one who wanted to buy a couple of summer shirts and she happened to come to my store when I was done my shift, so I tagged along with her to Bayshore. You were working, and like always you welcomed me with a smile.

After that day, we casually talked more on facebook and started to make plans to see each other again. We made plans for a Friday, you were going to tag along to the sushi day that was originally planned. You met my friends Trevor, Max, Ashely & Joesph. You definitely fit into the crew. We had a lot of laughs then it was off to downtown for some shopping and tuckers. I was going to show you my special place, however, it was raining and it wouldn't have been the best place and time to show you. I had a great time wondering around rideau mall with you, and realised those feelings from the past had resurfaced. We met up with your friend Corey and headed to Tuckers for dinner. Time was ticking, and the haunted walk was about to begin, not going to lie, it was kinda lame, but the stories she told were cool. It was nice to walk around downtown with you, taking in the night life of Ottawa. The walk was done, and we went home.

A month passed, and one random day, I thought of you. I remembered that night you said you wanted to do a karaoke night. So i invited you to that and you were really excited about it. Corey and Sara came along, and the songs ranged from Thriller - I'm all out of love - Zombie. We got tired of singing so we pulled out Disney's scene it. I was surprised of how everyone was kicking my ass at my own game! We had fun none the less, and a plan to watch numerous Disney movies had been spoken of. We went to go pick up Alisa, after her shift and around that time Corey and Sara had to leave. Alisa had the brilliant idea of playing 21 questions. A lot of interesting things about you came up that I was really shocked about. But alas, like every other time, the day had to end.

I started noticing you online more and more. We chatted and even played 21 questions again. I wanted to see you again, so I invited you to come to Becca's party. We drank, laughed, and met some interesting people. I obviously drank to much that the truth was coming out. I confessed to Alisa about how much I liked you, Alisa intervened. I was downstairs, and you came down with Alisa, she obviously told you. We tried to play spin the bottle but with four girls and one guy it doesn't work out well. Then Alisa gave up and just told us to kiss. I looked at you, and you stretched your hand, I took it into mine and you invited me to sit next to you on the couch. Next thing, I know we were face to face, about to kiss. Never going to forget, that moment we kissed. You had to go, so I offered to walk you to Dovercourt. I was obviously tipsy, so I needed Max by my side. At dovercourt, you showed Max, your definitely light on your feet. Right then, I pictured you as perfect. You had to leave, and the for rest of the night, I just kept thinking about that kiss we shared.

We talked about the party the next day on the phone. You told me that it wasn't the alcohol that caused you to tell Alisa that you liked me. I was thrilled. I didn't even know what to think. The a couple weeks after, we made plans to go see Mama Mia. (See Blog: A Knight for a Princess)

This is just a dream come true for me. It's never felt this real, and by looking back on our timeline, I truly believe we'll share more memorable memories together.


Anonymous said...

N( FVUW%*&#(%*(@ $*@)B(@(&T @B(

this is adorable.

you really deserve this jane,


PeeJay said...

thanks chloe :)
btw i totally don't understand the first part lol

`Smurf said...

i'm happy for you :)

FINALLY you two are dating. :P