Wednesday, November 5, 2008


You know that i still have feelings for you,
*1 and a half years* worth of feelings.
Not saying that I want you back because I don't

My head was filled with dreams of happiness and joy
now its filled with darkness and dispear
all the things you put me threw haunts me to this day.

One night, I dreamt that my blood was splattered all over the walls of the room we shared. It was dark and very hard to see. I was crying, crying out for mercy but your heart of coal could care less that i was in pain. You kept yelling at me like i was worthless (i always felt worthless). It was about something small that I hadn't done the laundry like you said, and how i never listen or do as you say. You were about to grab me by my neck, then i woke up.

I run that scenario in my head every day,
wondering if that would be how it would be.
Scared and trapped in your arms, never feeling loved.
I look at myself in the mirror,
I no longer cry out blood,
I cry out tears.

I didn't have to wait for prince charming to rescue me
I rescued myself.
It wasn't the thought of others who made my descision
It was the fear in my heart
No longer will you haunt my dreams
No longer will you be in my life.


Anonymous said...

i am so proud of you.
for reals.

i loveee you jane.

PeeJay said...

Chloee <33 you + sara helped me alot seriously
thank you