Sunday, November 30, 2008

Finding the perfect present, for that perfect someone...

I've been searching for days, and even bought a couple of things here and there. However, nothing seems like the perfect gift for you. None of them show how much you mean, or have much meaning to them.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

This girl... Loves you...

There was this girl, who fell so happily in love with this guy. It was fate who brought them together.
She thought love like this could only be fantasised or be seen in movies, but oh, how she was wrong. Everytime she is reconnected with you, she gets light headed and almost faints. But when you speak, she snaps out of it and wakes up from her dream to come into a reality so unreal its like a movie. She stumbles a bit, as her knees get weak, but you take her hand and help her on her feet. You look into her eyes and smile, that smile you have and she knows that this is right. They sit down, she catches her breath to try and calm down her happy heart. She turns to you and you kiss her, ever so gently. She wonders where the director is, and when he's going to yell cut, but this isn't a movie. This is life, and she is so lucky to have you as her leading man in the movie of her mind. She wonders how the next step of her movie is going to play out.

Friday, November 28, 2008

"Acts of Kindness, Creates chain reactions"

"I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same." - Rachel Scott

Today I learned about a girl with this dream. This one girl who started a chain reaction of kindness.
She was the first victim out of 13 who lost their lives at the shootings at Columbine High School in 1999. From that day on, Rachel's Story impacted the world.
She was a girl who loved to write, two months before she died, she wrote an essay called "My Ethics, My Codes of Life". She was projected as a kind hearted soul who cared for everyone most importantly she was a friend to everyone. She wanted to make a difference in the world because she knew that she didn't have a long time to make it happen. She was the one who sat with the new kid, or who stood up for the bullied, and who loved the unloved.
As i listened to her story, I stood up for her, and took Rachel's Challenge:
I encourage you to read about her if you haven't heard her story. and take the challenge.

Second thoughts:
This is a picture that Rachel drew outside the school doors when she got shot:The speaker told us, that it was weird to see thirteen tears... when that day, thirteen people would lose their lives. Thirteen tears, that turn into blood droplets on the rose.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Breathe In, Breathe Out.

Breathe In.
I want to scream.
Breathe Out.
You never listen to my ideas.

Breathe In.
You always avoid telling me things.
Breathe Out.
You exclude me on from the meetings.

Breathe In.
Honestly, Take my feelings into consideration.
Breathe Out.
Stop, Yelling at me.

[1] [2] [3] [4]... I count to ten.
I am seriously sick of this class. This school does nothing. How many times have I complained about you. Administration says that they will do something, but they do jack.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

All I want for Christmas is you ♪

This is my Christmas wish list...

  • Clothes (especially dresses)
  • Shoes
  • Jewelry
  • Purses
  • Favoured Holiday Chocolate Treats (Ferro Rocher, Turtles etc.)

The most important thing on my Christmas list is love. I love spending it with friends and family. I'm not very materialistic as most people think. If I don't get anything on my Christmas list, I'll be happy spending it by the fire with the person I love, singing Christmas carols with friends, or having a feast with my family. Christmas is seen now as getting presents, it is no longer seen as the birthday of Jesus. It's seen as a day of presents, yes I do buy presents for my friends and family, but I don't want them to see it as something for Christmas, but as something thoughtful and well prepared out of love.

christmas Pictures, Images and Photos

My Yearbook Friend <3

I sit here, and wonder how your having so much fun without me.
I'm dying here, trying to get pages done. ARGG!
The dude came again, and told us a few pointers on how our pages should look.
Arhhh... :(
I'm lonely...
My yearbook friend, i miss you

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


OK, couples who think they're attached at the hip makes me sick. Yes I know that you might love him or her, but is it seriously necessary to wear him as a scarf? He's all over you and your all over him, would it kill you to walk down the halls with no attachment to your significant other? It bothers me, when I see couples making out in the halls to. Seriously, save it for private times. I understand a kiss here and there, but don't grope your girlfriend/boyfriend for the world to see. Personally, I think thats for you and your partner, not for the world to see.

OK, im not bashing everything about couples. I understand couples holding hands and a kiss on the forehead, but are PDA's (Personal Displays of Affection) really attractive to see? I have a boyfriend myself, and had past relationships, and never did I need to show the world that I love him, I can tell them if I wanted them to know. The only person who needs to see that I love him, is him, himself...

Please don't wake me up from this dream.

If this is a dream don't wake me up.
If this is reality, this is better than my dreams could ever be.

How can you define a dream?
I when I dream I keep my favourite childhood movie in mind.

"A dream, is a wish your heart makes,
When your fast asleep."

When I was a little girl,
I would always dream about falling in love.
I didn't think it would be as good and real as this.

Monday, November 24, 2008

♪ ' When I'm all alone, I'll be sitting here, beside the telephone ' ♪

Why don't you ever call?
I get that you might be busy,
But I really do miss you, from time to time.
It's crazy,
Even if it might be a two minute conversation
That will still do me justice.
I guess it's because I just want to hear your voice
And know that your OK.

You might be thinking,
Why don't you call me then?
It's a hurdle I have to overcome,
I'm scared/nervous to call your house.
I don't know why,
And I apologise,
That I can't explain it.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

This sunday...

On this Sunday,
I wanted to see you since I missed you.

We had a quiet day at your house,
making grilled cheese sandwiches,
and your famous fudge.

Met your mom,
who was so welcoming
and so energetic.
Your brother,
the cutest thing ever
you can see the family resemblance

Looking though family albums,
you definatly were such an adorable kid
and very happy if i might add.
Me, lets just say I was a kid
with many different facial expressions for every picture.

We settled down, downstaires
watched Cinderella, and some
Monsters INC.
but it is a great movie none the less

Soon it was time for me to go,
however I didn't want to go.
You kissed me,
Then you kissed me again.
And from that last kiss,
I started to miss you
even though i was still with you.

Riding home, i replayed moments in my head
and thinking how happy you've made me
the past couple of weeks.
I'm so glad that your in my life.

À la prochaine...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Lalala ♪ on spare...

Just another day with max sitting next to me
being bored once again
spare after lunch, on a slow friday afternoon

I really enjoy when spare is at the end of the day
i don't like this alternating thing
i wish it was at the end of the day all the time
yes i like having longer lunches
but going home early is a bonus too...

I really feel uncomfortable sitting next to max to telll you the truth
I think he secretly wants to beat me up
because of the constant poking i did to him at lunch so that he would lose his arm wrestling game with priestly
Yes, he is reading is boook.
But i know secertly inside he is reading this blog over his book wanting to jump kick me in the face ;)

lalala ♪ i dont know what to write about.
sorry about the random blog

" Without Wax "

Paul’s first command is “love must be sincere”. This is one of those times when we can understand the text much better after we have looked at the words carefully. The word “sincere” comes from the Latin words sine cera, which means “without wax”. According to one popular explanation, dishonest sculptors in Rome or Greece would cover flaws in their work with wax to deceive the viewer; therefore, a sculpture "without wax" would mean honesty in its perfection.

So when you said those words, I didn't know what they meant. It was seriously driving me insane how you were being all mysterious saying that I shall know in time. Well it kept me up all night, tossing and turning wondering what it was. Chloe and I did a little research in yearbook, and we figured it out.
I think that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Honestly, it's so original and I obviously didn't hear it before, and I'm glad that it was you who introduced this expression to me. Here I am sitting, typing away, thinking about it. This is a time were I want to find the perfect words to explain how I'm feeling, but as I said in a past blog, "Words cannot paint your true emotions".

Thursday, November 20, 2008

a timeline to where we are now...

First day, met at The Stars on Rise talent competition at the SuperEX. I had definitely fell in love with your voice, and that is why I asked you if you wanted to do a recording for a charitable CD that would sell to raise funds for cancer. We became instant friends, though when i tried to get a hold of you it was like you didn't exist.

Then a year or so later, on one random day on facebook (the utility that connects people), you were on my friends list, I guess it was because since you were on my msn contact list it automatically added you. We talked again about how singing was going for the both of us, we talked about chilling at Holy Trinity, since I was going to a volleyball game. You said you would show, but I didn't see you there. Funny thing was, later on that day, you said that you did go, guess it was such a big school, we just didn't bump into each other in the hallway.

I invited you to my house, you met my friend Chloe. You were going to pick up your ticket to the fashion show for Kids Help Phone. We sang, but then my mother came down and told us to be quiet. We talked for a bit, I showed you "What, What in the Butt". I looked at Chloe, and she could see it in my eyes, that I was definitely liking you, but you talked about another girl so I kept shut. You asked Sara, my "LOVE GURU". My mother was getting mad because it was getting so late. I'm so sorry she freaked you out. Shortly after, your dad was there to pick you up.

The day of the fashion show, I was really hoping that somehow, some way, you wouldn't show. It was going to be a lame show anyway. Yet to my surprise you didn't show. Yes I wanted to see you, but I didn't want you to waste your time at a lame, Gap fashion show that lasted 15 minutes with a 4 minute choreographed routine taken from the High School Musical. You don't even know how happy I was. Yes, It was that lame.

We tried talking on the phone on a daily basis, you were the friend I would turn to for relationship problems. You always knew the right thing to say when I was heartbroken. Deep down inside, however, I liked you. There was no question for it, I was always afraid to say something, because there was always another girl you would talk about. There was always that little voice in my head, why can't that be me.

I'm never going to forget that time that you called me right after I came back from the hospital. I wasn't expecting it. I was so ashamed! Missing the dance just because I fell up the stairs and had to be rushed to the hospital to get stitches. But as soon as I got home, the phone ringed, with the caller ID flashing your number. I answered told you what happened. You definitely made me feel better, with our random conversations that went from talking about Mono - Rudolph the Red Nose reindeer. Even though I had a HUGE headache, you made me feel better.
You told me about your show, Sara and I bought tickets. I was impressed by your stage presence and as from the beginning I fell in love with your voice. Near to the end, as the final number was coming, a jolt of shock came from behind! It was you, Sara and I were lucky you were so concentrated with the show that you didn't see how scared we got. After the show, we met up with you in the foyer and congratulated you on your great performance. That night, I definitely couldn't stop thinking you.

The night before the annual Peace Conference, I had a dream. I was there, chilling with my friends having a blast meeting new people as I do every year at Peace Conference. The next day I told Sara, she laughed at the thought of my dream, because it was literally a one in a million chance. We got there, set up our stations. Phil, Sara, Erica and I were in a group chatting away dancing to the jazzy tunes of Holy Trinity when there was a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to see you. I honestly was full of shock I couldn't even say anything all I did was turn around with a stunned expression and looked at Sara. You probably thought I was insane and you said hi to Sara, I finally snapped out of it and gave you a hug. It was so weird seeing you, but I enjoyed hanging out with you, because I haven't seen you in a while.

After that day we didn't talk for months.

We messaged each other again, to plan another hang-out day. We met up at Bayshore, chilled for a bit, ate some yummy cinnabons, then met up with Sara. That day, we found some enormous shoes, fashionable hats at Le Chateau, and a amazing dress for Sara.

Remember when I came into the Gap that day with Sasha? I actually wasn't looking for anything. I just wanted to pop in to see if you were working. She was the one who wanted to buy a couple of summer shirts and she happened to come to my store when I was done my shift, so I tagged along with her to Bayshore. You were working, and like always you welcomed me with a smile.

After that day, we casually talked more on facebook and started to make plans to see each other again. We made plans for a Friday, you were going to tag along to the sushi day that was originally planned. You met my friends Trevor, Max, Ashely & Joesph. You definitely fit into the crew. We had a lot of laughs then it was off to downtown for some shopping and tuckers. I was going to show you my special place, however, it was raining and it wouldn't have been the best place and time to show you. I had a great time wondering around rideau mall with you, and realised those feelings from the past had resurfaced. We met up with your friend Corey and headed to Tuckers for dinner. Time was ticking, and the haunted walk was about to begin, not going to lie, it was kinda lame, but the stories she told were cool. It was nice to walk around downtown with you, taking in the night life of Ottawa. The walk was done, and we went home.

A month passed, and one random day, I thought of you. I remembered that night you said you wanted to do a karaoke night. So i invited you to that and you were really excited about it. Corey and Sara came along, and the songs ranged from Thriller - I'm all out of love - Zombie. We got tired of singing so we pulled out Disney's scene it. I was surprised of how everyone was kicking my ass at my own game! We had fun none the less, and a plan to watch numerous Disney movies had been spoken of. We went to go pick up Alisa, after her shift and around that time Corey and Sara had to leave. Alisa had the brilliant idea of playing 21 questions. A lot of interesting things about you came up that I was really shocked about. But alas, like every other time, the day had to end.

I started noticing you online more and more. We chatted and even played 21 questions again. I wanted to see you again, so I invited you to come to Becca's party. We drank, laughed, and met some interesting people. I obviously drank to much that the truth was coming out. I confessed to Alisa about how much I liked you, Alisa intervened. I was downstairs, and you came down with Alisa, she obviously told you. We tried to play spin the bottle but with four girls and one guy it doesn't work out well. Then Alisa gave up and just told us to kiss. I looked at you, and you stretched your hand, I took it into mine and you invited me to sit next to you on the couch. Next thing, I know we were face to face, about to kiss. Never going to forget, that moment we kissed. You had to go, so I offered to walk you to Dovercourt. I was obviously tipsy, so I needed Max by my side. At dovercourt, you showed Max, your definitely light on your feet. Right then, I pictured you as perfect. You had to leave, and the for rest of the night, I just kept thinking about that kiss we shared.

We talked about the party the next day on the phone. You told me that it wasn't the alcohol that caused you to tell Alisa that you liked me. I was thrilled. I didn't even know what to think. The a couple weeks after, we made plans to go see Mama Mia. (See Blog: A Knight for a Princess)

This is just a dream come true for me. It's never felt this real, and by looking back on our timeline, I truly believe we'll share more memorable memories together.

OH MY FUCKING GOD! i hate this class...

I tried to make an effort to do something in this class
and nothing gets credited
Ill be honest
I didn't do work for a while just because I was pissed off at your authority
But when I do, do something
and you "supposedly like it"
you fucking change it on me
this class honestly, is fucking dumb
im on my last rope
i have no hope for this yearbook anymore
i worked so hard on the shit you wanted me to do
but it only gets deleted but another idiotic student
this is the last straw...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I had to do it.

I had to do it,
it was getting out of control
you calling me
you messaging my friends
it had to stop.

but for some reason,
i kept stalling
until this day

i walked out of school,
only to find you there
you threaten me with a knife
saying if i don't talk to you you'll use it
i got scared,
i was paralyzed
it was like i was a block of ice
then the bus came
and i ran for it

i just wanted to get home
as fast as i can
as soon as i got the that stoplight
there you were again
i don't know how you got there so fast
but i ran for it
didn't care if i got hit by a car
i ran for it
i ran for the house
screamed in horror and locked the door
and then, i called the cops

they came sirens and all,
pointing their gun at you
i was scared because i knew you were resisting arrest
as much as i hate you
i didn't want to see you shot right in front of my eyes
finally they handcuffed you and took you away

i signed more papers,
gave more statements
what more do i have to do
to get you out of my life

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello, are you jealousy?

Wow, I've heard alot about you,
never thought it would feel this way
I thought it was just a bunch of angry actions
but you can be more than that.

I think that words are stonger than actions
not a scar on my body,
yet my heart cries.
you can tell by your words
of how you described her.

If she was your ex.
I have two questions.
Is this real, or am I another one of those girls that you can use to re-create her.

Emotions are difficult to paint with words.

In English class, we had a discussion about words.

Everything really made sense to me because I sometimes can't really explain myself with words. Its difficult just because emotions are something that we humans don't really understand. Yes, we feel love, joy, jealousy and betrayal. But if someone actually asked you how you are feeling, its as if the words aren't enough to express the true feelings inside. Sometimes in my blogs, I feel that I didn't express myself well enough with the words I have chosen. Maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough right now?

To understand how to explain feelings, is unthinkable. Think of it, if you knew how to explain yourself all the time, how would life be interesting? If you can tell the person that you love them, with only words, how would it be thrilling, to show him how much you feel with actions? It would seem as if the feeling wasn't as big as if you were trying to explain it trying your hardest to find the right words. Its like new born babies, trying to understand the world. If they came out understanding why they hurt, or why we make those weird faces at them, what would the fun of adventure be, were would the fun of being mysterious be?

dream talk

Here I am, in the morning,
Eyes half open, my hair a mess
Still shocked of the outcome, of last night
My heart raced, reading how you feel
Then a permanent smile grew across my face.

I've never been this happy,
Just by talking to someone.
I long for the next time we speak again,
Until then, I will think of you...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Every time you hold me,
I feel safe in your arms
Every time you touch me,
Shivers go down my spine
Every time you look into my eyes,
Everything feels so right.
Every time you smile
My heart skips a beat
Every time you say goodbye,
I long for your "hello"
Every time I think of us,
I believe that is a dream
Every time i speak your name,
It brings me great smiles
Every time that i gaze at your picture,
I wonder what your doing
Every time you kiss me,
Its like time has stopped

Me and my big mouth

Everything went well
untill we were alone
I think i said things that
you didn't want to hear
I feel dumb, i shouldnt have
it was just a theory nothing based on facts

omg how my heart is pounding hoping that its not a big deal....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Christmas ♥

So everyone is starting to decorate for Christmas
and this is where i get really excited

i love the decorations
i love the lights
i love the white snow (when its not cold)
i love Santa
i love shopping
i love the family dinners
i love the laughs with friends
i love remembering the great year
i love Christmas carols
i love Christmas

this is the time of year,
were you can get away being cheesy
being all lovey with the person you love
cuddle up close to the fire
roast chestnuts
take a sleigh ride.

tell that person that you love them.
and if it doesn't work out.
take the new year to find someone new

Just an emotional girl

Just because you know that I'm crying for you
Doesn't mean you can help me
your not my therapist
your my enemy.

You told me that you wanted to see me
i asked you why
you asked me just to fuck you
I asked you if i was just a slut to you
like all those other girls were
just another girl whom you can dispose of after your done
like a tissue or something

well I'm not like that, sorry
I cant
i will not talk to you
i will not be your friend
lastly, i will not come back to you

how many times do i have to tell you!

Friday, November 14, 2008

It broke my heart...

It broke my heart saying those words
I am very sorry that i did
but it was for the best

You don't understand
how he is like i do,
He is a freak.
You might have thought that his email
was sweet and innocent
but i hacked into his account
and saw it

I'm so sorry that i got you into this
your better than to be in this kind of drama
I let you go,
so that i know
He will never find you.
and hurt you.

Today at 1:01pm
hey its justin janes ex bf i know that we dont know each other and all and well i know you two are dating and well really i am ok with that like i told her im glad your the one with her and not someone the only thing im asking of you is to stay with her make sure shes safe make sure she makes the right choices and im telling you nicely as i can dont hurt her

Analyzing the letter

He's glad that it was you not any one else?? Doesn't make any sense since he never liked it when we talked, or saw each other.

Make sure she's safe? Might mean that he might come to find us when we are together and confront us.

Make sure she makes the right choices. Means that I should make a better choice than you.

And telling you as nicely as he can not to hurt me. Means if i shed a tear, or if i draw blood. He's coming after you for not taking care of me

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hello little girl, little toy

You make me laugh
when you think you know him like i do
cuz you dont
please don't act all cool
because your talking to an older guy
because your just a little toy to him
cant you see?
he's just using you to get over me
honestly i have proof
he's a despret and just wants to get in your pants

You have a good boyfriend,
a better boyfriend than what he was
dont loose that
you dont want to deal with the drama-rama
that comes with him
please, dont ruin your life like i did

im not saying that im jealous
cuz im not
my life right now is great
i have everything for me now
things that he could never give me
i dont hate you
i hate him for what he did to me
and the only reason why im warning you
is because i dont want you do go threw
what i had to go threw

i know you will never read this,
but there might be that chance
take my words of advice
and stay away from him

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dear Desperate

November 8 at 2:02pm
1 i didnt know and 2 im going through some shit and i just need to get it
all out and get her out of my headdont take this the wrong way but ill pay you
if you like

November 8 at 2:04pm
how long were you guys going out for ?

November 8 at 2:05pm
year and half so will you

November 8 at 2:06pm
sleeping with me wont get her out of your head justin . i`m not trying to
be mean but i can`t let you do that . and i wont do that to you either
.first off i`m not some booty call whore and secondly my boyfriend and i have
been together for almost two years and i will not cheat on him . im sorry if
thats all you want from me than i guess it`s best you stop talking to me

November 8 at 2:07pm
60bucks and it will never happen again

November 8 at 2:08pm
justin you can`t pay me to have sex with you .

November 8 at 2:09pm
im sorry i just need to get over her no matter at what the cost it bejust
asking for one time thing never happen or mentioned again

OMG seriously.
now this is going to far
you've asked how many girls?
I'm sorry, you've lost all my respect
I would have been your friend
when i saw that things between us have calmed down
but honestly?
you took this to the wrong level
how do you think this makes me feel?

word of advice.
girls are not whores
dont go asking them for sex straight up
give them the respect that you didnt give me
there not something that you can buy at a store.

November 8 at 12:54pm
question may be awkward for you
but wondeirng if you wanted to have sex just msg me saying your answer ok

p.s. this shows me that you will never change

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yearbook, I wish you would burn

I honestly cant wait
to get this yearbook in my hands
I would watch it burn
and remember how much i worked on it

so many times how i wanted
to scream and yell at you
and tell you how much of an idiot you are
your the teacher

you ask us what we want for our marks
are you dumb?
i want 100 percent
are you seriously going to give me that
didn't think so
since you obviously hate me

you pick favourites
it shows
you say that you needed
me and Chloe in this project
when we wanted to drop out
and what the fuck
every time you talk about the yearbook
you fucking don't ask us to join

i want to scream
i want to get out
i want to punch you

Monday, November 10, 2008

To Daryll, where ever you are...

I was always there for you,
through out the good times and the bad.
But oviously you were hiding something...

You up and left us.
your family
your friends
even your girlfriend
without any notice
you disappeard without a trace
and the only thing we had to go with was;
Goodbye, I joined the army.

Years has past,
still no word,
It was like i lost my best friend,
i told you everything
you definatly took a piece of my heart.
we tried and tried to re connect with you
but yet, nothing

yet something stuck me.
a friend of yours, i guess
he asked me if i knew you
my heart sank as i almost said no.
he told me that you showed him pictures
of friends and family you had back home.
i fought back the tears
when he told me you were fine
and how you missed us all
then i left with no other word

I tried to find him again,
but it was if that was the only thing
you wanted me to know
that you were fine and missed us
i wanted to know why you left
even though i knew he might not have the answers.

Daryll i dont know what im doing,
cuz i know you'll never read this
but i just needed to get it out there,

Daryll, wherever you are
please call me

miss na miss kita...

This is why I shall remember

A brave Sergent who tried to save his friends in that dried up river bank in Afghanistan
A bride at 18, Ortona widow by 19
Some of the stories i heard today hit home.

Before I went to Notre Dame,
remembrance day was just another day
it really meant just a moment of silence
but i didn't know what to think about

Now over the few years at notre dame
a teacher who strives for the students to
and learn,
about why we should remember...

Every year I listen to stories,
about war veterans, widows, historians and historic reinactors
telling us why we should remember
and every year i burst into tears
trying to understand what they went through

Listening to their stories means a lot.
They are sharing their memories,
which is our Canadian history
take the time to listen to a veteran and you'll understand

It boggles my mind to see so many empty seats
wear the veterans would sit
It was just 6 years ago that it was filled with veterans
but it was just two years ago what we lost the last
of our veterans of WWI

Today i wear this poppy,
with pride
with knowledge
and respect.

On the eleventh month
of the eleventh day
of the eleventh hour
I will stand in silence
with my poppy on my heart
remembering those who wore the uniform
so we don't have to.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Your just sick, your not going anywhere in life

Dear fuck up.

that's just low,
offering someone money?
just give up
I'm not coming back to you
just leave me alone.
Your just messed
trying to do things
that would "make me jealous"
well i could care less.
Just give up,
because nothing you do or say
will make me come back to you.

happy without you

Friday, November 7, 2008

A Knight for a Princess

An eventful night full of strained vocal cords and ruby red cheeks
this princess has a night to remember

Mama Mia, started off the night
it was a sing-along if i might add
good times laughing at the corny areas of the movie,
but had fun none the less

The night was coming to an end when we stop at my step,
you asked if i had time for a walk
and that's is what we did
it wasn't a very good walk, since we stopped at the park
gone on the swings till we felt dizzy

we sat on a park bench,
and had a long chat.
i started to shiver
and you kindly put your jacket over my shoulders
after it got a little quiet,
awkward if you want to get specific
I looked into your eyes,
and i knew.

We started talking even more,
the back of my mind wondering
what should i expect? what should i say?

I got a little frightened
because I've never felt this way
its never felt this real for me

I looked at the time, shocked as i was it was late
I had to get going,
I felt like Cinderella having to leave her prince
You said you didn't want me to go,
and that there was something that we had to do.
i looked at you dumbfounded totally forgotten what i realised.

I told me that you liked me,
how my heart beats when i hear you say that
you held my hand
and kissed me

everything made sense
it was like another puzzle piece had fit
now you are a part of my life,
a big part
and i never want to let you go.

Anime love Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Just a ponder....

just a theory but.
are you ever looking at a mirror?
you will automatically say yes, when you want to stare are your reflexion right?
well, are you looking at the mirror, or are you looking at the reflexion of yourself?

What i think, is this.
Your never looking at the actual mirror, its your reflexion.
Since the mirror is reflecting your image, you are seeing yourself
it makes me wonder and ask the question....

what does a mirror actually look like?

this only made sense to the minds of Chloe Prest and I.
please let there be someone else in the world who understands

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

OM GOSH! hot of the press!! <33

I don't even know where to start this honestly,

I'm totally speechless...

Cupid's arrow was shot, and it was shot directly at my heart.

Its confirmed,

Prince Charming, wants to be in my life.

I might get my fairytale ending after all!

For a while I've been running through scenarios of why he wasn't calling

and it was all because he was so caught up in his royal duties

but now he can save me from the dreaded past that haunted me from before

and start a new chapter a more, happier one with him


You know that i still have feelings for you,
*1 and a half years* worth of feelings.
Not saying that I want you back because I don't

My head was filled with dreams of happiness and joy
now its filled with darkness and dispear
all the things you put me threw haunts me to this day.

One night, I dreamt that my blood was splattered all over the walls of the room we shared. It was dark and very hard to see. I was crying, crying out for mercy but your heart of coal could care less that i was in pain. You kept yelling at me like i was worthless (i always felt worthless). It was about something small that I hadn't done the laundry like you said, and how i never listen or do as you say. You were about to grab me by my neck, then i woke up.

I run that scenario in my head every day,
wondering if that would be how it would be.
Scared and trapped in your arms, never feeling loved.
I look at myself in the mirror,
I no longer cry out blood,
I cry out tears.

I didn't have to wait for prince charming to rescue me
I rescued myself.
It wasn't the thought of others who made my descision
It was the fear in my heart
No longer will you haunt my dreams
No longer will you be in my life.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sorry its been a while, I know you feel neglected :(

Well, the novel of my life isn't looking so dark and gloomy anymore.
To make a long (1 year and a half long) story short, the antagonist whom i believed was the love of my life was banished off the face of the earth.
I nor longer try and speak with him because all he cares about is getting back with me which i don't want.

However, another boy came into my life.
/well he was always in it, but i never really got the guts to tell anyone, though people saw through me like a glass wall/
Let's call him, Prince Charming
When I am with him its like I'm in a surreal universe where everything is right.
It's weird because I've never felt this way before, i was always the one on the hunt, but now i feel as if I'm the prey; vulnerable and weak.
I can't function without the thought of him on my mind, however people are seeing me as; more happy energetic... because I've moved onto another chapter of my life...

another chapter in this novel, another chapter in which i have to make right. another chapter in which involves, you....