Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Have your feelings changed

When this question was asked i was started. I have never loved someone more, and no doubt my love for you has not diminished. This is stronger than any other feeling i've felt.
You say that I was acting differently, how so? I don't know you didn't want to ask that question. But my mind couldn't come off of the fact that you would second guess my love for you. And I started to think and notice.
The walk was quiet and akward.
You gave me one worded answers.
However the rest of the night was all the same, you said that you loved me like you always do. kiss me on the forehead and wished me goodnight but something inside of me didn't want to let you go last night.

I slept like a baby last night but in class i had this dream;

I was there, with you cuddling with you on your bed like always. But your actions and your words confused me. You acted like nothing was the same but deep down i knew that there was something on your mind. Sharp pain came from inside of me and I started to cry... thats when you said goodbye.... and left me.

I think about that and wonder, is that why you asked me if my feelings for you changed? It scared me, the thought of losing you, losing everything that I love again... I didn't want to let that happen. & Today; only a few msgs were returned. No calls. and Still here I am waiting by the phone waiting for you to call... because tonight were supposed to go to a movie that you agreed to... It starts at 9, its not 7:30

I love you, know that. I'm afraid of losing you, if there is anything bothering you tell me and ill fix it. Promise. I won't ever break your heart.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooh, FROM THE LOOKS OF IT no one loves you buyhahahaha chink -_-

PeeJay said...

I dont know who you are but if you must know, Me and my boyfriend worked everything out, it was just a mis understanding.

Im just so surprised that my life is so interesting to you that you keep coming back to my page and commenting on most of my blogs.

Anonymous said...

...what the fuck? this is my first time commenting LMAO other people may hate you as much as me!!!!!!! seems like its common huh? Now one question i actually have, not trying to be rude? Why do you find it neccessary to out up every little personal detail about your life?!? its uncalled for.. and then you wonder WHY people comment like this?! Your free and easy drama bitch, and half the stuff you put up here is FUCKING HILARIOUS!!! my favorite is any that you got beaten in!! I hope he gave you a slap in the face for me : D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

for you being a slut you have no idea how to kiss.. ;) also, i see you've put on a few pounds!!! prego!!!!

Travis (bf) said...

wow, my word you must be a fucking lil bitch haha! why always anonymous? what u hidding you little queer, you seriously must have no life whatsoever. and naw shes as fit as ever, unlike you prolly sum fat ugly fuck!
haha yeah bitch talk shit faggot!

Anonymous said...

wouldn't it beREEAALL awkward if you found out who this was ;) eh traviiii ;););) xox .... he knows ;)

Travis said...

again with the annonymous..
naw it wouldnt be awkward, why dont you tell me?.. its just sad what people spend their time doing these days..

Anonymous said...

funny how you comment like that yet, you seem to keep responding? oh, and it won't always be anonymous.. but TRAVIII you already know who I am ;) THINK HARD BABEine

Travis (bf) said...

And do you know Pj as well as you seem to know me?

Anonymous said...

lol we might know eachother really well, we might not. :) WHO KNOWS?!

Anonymous said...

DO YOU BEAT HER TOO ?!?!?!?! *fingers crossed*

Travis (bf) said...

So I see respect doesn't seem to be one of you qualities.

Anonymous said...

oh it doesn't.. why do you think im anonymous?! don't want to bother anyone further, and come on!?!?! no more beatings for lil jane :,(

Travis said...

No, she deserves much better. And men shouldnt use their physical superiority as a means to get what they want.`thats really pathetic on their part not to be able to express themselves with words, I mean i`m more than capable physically but its never a solution...

Anonymous said...

LMAO oh well see. and these days its probably hard to be physically capable since shes gotten FAT

she probably LOVED the attetion she got from being beaten ;)


chloe said...

too bad this anonymous person is to much of a pussy to say who they are.
they probably know they'd get their ugly asses kicked.
it's sad really.
don't let them get to you jane.

PeeJay said...

Chloe babes... I love you seriously. Honestly i just laugh at all of these comments. Do you really think I believe you know my boyfriend to be calling him travii and babes? No because he is not like that. I love him and he loves me. Your probably just jealous at the fact that I do have a great guy like trav. But anyway comment all you want cuz it's not bugging me. And btw. I'm not gettin fat nor and I pregnant. At least I had respect and not to be spitting out cruel bullshit that isn't true.

Anonymous said...

LOL look at the drama ive caused!! <3 it! also, janey cakes.. i apologize for caling you fat.. when chloe is miss quad chin hurricanthigh :)

Hey trav babe, is it hard trying to look into her eyes and all you see is squintage. HOW ATTRACTIVE eh? chink chink chink!

and JANE lastly! you, my skankville friend, are disgusting, and asian, and its not a good combo for anyone letalone someone as dumb as you and ugly!!!

BUT GUYS if i said who i was,, it wouldn't be as fun anymore :(

PeeJay said...

Whatever your just a person with a low self esteem and your trying to bug me to make yourself feel better.
I know that I'm not the things you say about me. Because you can't judge me.

miss quad chin hurricanthigh said...

this just made my day.
i love the name, miss quad chin hurricanthigh.
too bad i actually lost weight instead of gaining it.
and even if i was a lard ass,
it wouldn't matter because at least i'm an honest, decent person, unlike little miss anonymous, who doesn't even deserve to be called anything.

Anonymous said...

Well this was an interesting read. Jane, she's not worth your time. She's begging for the attention, and really she shouldn't get any of it. She can call you every name in the book if she wants to, but it's the internet. come on. It's not like it actually matters anyways. She's hiding behind the anonymity the internet gives her. you're better than her anyday, and the funny part is that she probably already knows that - since she's apparently so concerned with every other aspect of your life.

PeeJay said...

LOL way to be anonymous Sara! Ahha I love you!

`Smurf said...

haha it's because i wasn't signed in when I posted it. Lol if she thinks she's gonna mess with you, and that your two best friends are gonna stand for it, helll no. she can talk all she wants, but we have better things to do. Love you too!! xo

PeeJay said...

you have sunk wayy to low.

Anonymous said...

LOL you don't even know who i am so all your saying could be complete bull shit for all u know!!!!!

Lol Phebes, Im pretty excited.......

PeeJay said...

Well if you are then so am I.

Bring it on!

Anonymous said...

Lol, again, you don't even know what im talking about!!!

Travis said...

so why not clear things up? what are you talking about, because you don't really make much sense...AND who likes to be annonymous for this fucking long?? dayyuum

Anonymous said...

I do, lol don't worry babe, ill tell you everything next time we hang out.. really trav babe, Im soo shoked you don't know who i am? Unless you don't want to tell little phebes who i am because then things will be to... obvious for lack of a better word ;)

Travis said...

well I have no idea who you are, and there is nothing that I'm hiding from PJ so I don't know what your talking about. but i am curious as to who you are so you should text me and we'll "hang out"

Anonymous said...

haha your so fucked you dumb shit, I text you alll the time!!
But don't worry about it, we won't be hangin out AS much. I didn't realize you were THIS dishonest.....

Travis said...

lool. kk now im sure I dont know you, ur not very bright and full of shit.
/FAILED attempt at trying to fuck up this relationship btw.
Do ur research before trying to pull this shit.

PeeJay said...

Seems as if I won Anonymous...
Now be done with your lies, and make a person out of yourself